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Topics - gargantua350

Turning Wrenches / shift shaft upgrade
November 27, 2024, 10:18:53 AM
Hello All.  I purchased the shift shaft upgrade kit and had questions on the PVC tube with set screw.  Looking at the installation pictures it looks like it tube rests right on top of the seal.  The original or oem had a washer and E clip.  The E clip prevented any excessive side to side movement.  My question(s) are:

Do I put the tube right on top of the seal with no gap?  Or do I add a gap between. Would it be better to put the washer back in so that it is between the tube and seal?

Right now I have the tube resting right on top of the seal with the shaft fully extended out. By tightening the set screw, this prevents any side to side.  Is this ok and does anybody have experience with this?

I have a 1973 RD350 but I assume it will be the same installation on the later years.


How are the RD350 brake calipers vs the oem ones?  Has anybody purchased them from HVC, ebay, amazon...?

Turning Wrenches / RD400 carb bodies
May 31, 2024, 09:59:13 AM

Does internal parts from VM28 carbs from an rd350 go into RD400 carb bodies with no issues?

I found some old RD400 carb bodies as I would like to swap over.  My float bowls on the RD350 carbs are leaking however, the RD400 carbs are missing internal parts.

Turning Wrenches / VM28 carbs
May 22, 2024, 10:13:57 AM
Hello All,

How are the new VM28 carbs?  I have seen them for sale in various places.   Mine are worn out and has bowl leakage that couldn't be solved with new gaskets. I think they are warped.  The slides seem completely worn out. 

My question:

with new carbs (vm28), Is the procedure for the DF mods the same as in the original carbs?  would I effectively get the same results?  Would it be better to just go with flat slides?  The bike btw runs great.  It's just these minor things I'd like to fix.  any opinions are appreciated.


stock RD350 motor with Vitos crank
ProX pistons on std bore
Cheap cylinders from ebay
spec 2 classics
UNI air filters
HPI ignition at 1.8 mm BTDC
Main jet - 190
Needle #2 position from top
Pilot - #30
2.5 slide
1 turn out on air screws

General Chatter / LA drivers
April 15, 2024, 10:06:34 AM
I was taking the RD up Hacienda road in the heights area and this kid in a WRX turbo braked suddenly in front of me and had no brake lights.  I swerved out of the way but then he decided to get in my lane.  So I swerved again and managed to dodge his car.  This all happened within a few seconds.  I think he didn't see me and didn't even look to see if that lane was clear.  It almost seems he wanted to ram into me.

I usually take my bike out in the early morning to avoid drivers and traffic but around 11am there's tons of cars on the road where I live. 

I rode home put the bike in the garage and layed on the couch and contemplated of what might have been or could have happened. Sorry to rant about this guys but be careful out there.
Turning Wrenches / 7 plate clutch
December 07, 2023, 09:47:50 AM
Hello All,

I have an early rd350 motor and I am going to upgrade to 7 plate clutch.  The thrust washer shows 2 different part numbers on the breakout manual.  Is ok to go with either or?  It looks like the 278 part number is the washer with the bevel.  I was able to source a clutch hub and basket and all the steel plates.  I have new friction plates and springs.  Has anybody used the 278 part in a 7 plate clutch upgrade?


Turning Wrenches / HPI cooling
June 20, 2023, 09:49:45 AM
those of you who have the HPI ignition system.  Is it advisable to add cooling holes to the rotor cover?I have a spare side over I can drill holes into.  What do you guys think?

General Chatter / Performance comparison
November 08, 2022, 10:15:43 AM
A few weeks ago, I went riding with a bud up on the canyon.  I figured this would be a good chance to compare bikes from a performance stand point.  The only difference are the pipes and ignition. We both have stock porting. 

Both are RD350s. Mine has spec ii classics with HPI and his has points and DG pipes.  Both motors have stock porting but my cylinders are cheap ebay ones I bought which I believe are made in Taiwan.  I just chamfered the ports and fitted new pistons and rings.  We both have foam UNIs filters jetted correctly.

It would appear that my bike could accelerate alot faster from out of a turn and on a straight.  the advance curve from the CDI and the lighter rotor with the combination of the better pipes was a huge boost in performance. 

If any of you are thinking of upgrading to boost performance then you can't go wrong with better ignition and spec ii pipes; or similar.  It's money well spent.
Turning Wrenches / 1st gear stopper
September 15, 2022, 10:01:33 AM
Hello All:

Does anybody know what prevents the gear shift select to rotate past 1st gear when it is selected(shift down)? 

I noticed this when I had the rear set shifter set up wrong and I selected 1st gear and although it went into 1st, I didn't feel it has any mechanical stop. 

Everything seems fine though.  It runs and shifts great and doesn't pop out of gear.  Could it be the neutral finder bolt or spring that rides on the shift drum stopper plate?

Turning Wrenches / HPI floating ground
July 28, 2022, 10:03:35 AM

Just a quick question/check.  I have floated the ground on the HPI but when I measure continuity to ground it shows low ohms.  Is it measuring the ohms of the coil to ground?

Turning Wrenches / Ride with HPI
April 17, 2022, 01:10:26 PM
Today I went on a pretty hard canyon ride with the HPI ignition and it ran great.  This is with no battery and full AC led lighting. 

There is a definite improvement in midrange and the deadspot at higher elevations is gone now.   I used to have to downshift to get around that but now it pulls cleanly.  It might have something to do with the advance curve?

the best part is no more points to adjust.  I just went my last set from Japan last month. 

HPI mini rotor is totally worth the money.
Turning Wrenches / HPI led lights
April 04, 2022, 10:11:34 AM
Hello there:

I plan to run just AC volts with the HPI and could it be done without floating the ground on the stator? 

I am going to use the trail tech AC regulator to provide the correct volts to the LED lights (head lights and tail lights).

If I need to float the ground, do I attach the negative side of the leds to the brown wire of the regulator(lifted ground side)?

Turning Wrenches / HPI flywheel
March 31, 2022, 08:47:30 AM

I'm in the process of installing the HPI and I noticed the flywheel has no timing mark on the outer circumference.  There is a notch on the magnet side though.  Would I use that mark instead?


Turning Wrenches / HPI
March 29, 2022, 05:43:01 PM
Hi There guys:

I have purchased the HPI and plan to run AC volts only with a regulator. 

The question I have is the run/stop mode of the HPI.  I understand by grounding to the frame the black/white wire will shut off the engine.  My current ignition switch is stock and the off position is open.  If I attach the frame ground to the common of the ignition switch, it will have the opposite result.  In the off position, the CDI is enabled. 

Would it be ok to run the orange coil wire thru the ignition switch?  That way in the off position, it will be open in the off position and the coil will be disabled. 

Turning Wrenches / HPI ignition with Ricks reg/rec
January 30, 2022, 09:37:12 AM

Has anyone ran the HPI mini rotor ignition with the ricks reg/rectifier?  The rectifier has a 3 phase input for the ac volts.  Would it be easier to run without a battery instead of trying to adapt?

If I were to run without a battery, what bulbs or LEDs have you guys ran successfully?  I just run headlight, tailight and neutral indicator.

thx dudes
Turning Wrenches / o-rings
September 13, 2021, 10:08:18 AM
Hello All,

I installed a vito's crank on my recent rebuild and then I had a piston ring get stuck and it broke off.  I didn't want to take a chance so I split the cases to find the broken piece.  The piece of course wasn't in there but it's better to safe than sorry. 

My question is:

Does anybody know the O-ring specifications?  Or where to get a spare one? This for the Vitos crank.  One of the o-rings looks like it has developed a tare and I don't want it to break completely.


Turning Wrenches / Vitos crank
June 03, 2021, 09:49:08 AM
Hello again,

I am going to install the Vitos crank since my crank sustained a lot damage...including the lead weights and such.

My question is I see that the bearings have orings around them.  Do I also include green Loctite on the cases when I install the crank?  Will the Loctite destroy the orings?

Turning Wrenches / case damage
May 31, 2021, 11:04:47 AM
Hello There,

I have split the cases and one of the crank bearings were bad on top of the lead weights in the crank came loose and is hitting the connecting rod.  It also looked like the bearing spun in the case as the pin slot looks damaged as well.  The new bearings sit in the slots fine and don't spin in the case.  Is this acceptable and by adding Loctite work as an added safety measure?

General Chatter / R5 vs RD350 power characteristics
April 15, 2020, 11:50:44 AM
Hi All:

Back in the late 90s I had an R5; actually an R5 motor in an RD350 rolling chassis.  I had the typical set-up with 1st gen moto Carrera sport chambers and rejetted carbs and Uni filters...

I found an RD350 motor and rebuilt it with new pistons, seals and bearing and such.  I retired the R5 motor as it had at least 15,000 hard miles on it.  I set up and tuned the RD motor to the best of my ability.  Next I put the RD in place of the R5 with the same pipes and carbs(rejetted).  What's weird is that it seems the RD motor lacks mid range and top end power vs the R5 motor(piston port).  I understand that the reed valve motor is an improvement over the piston port for street riding. 

Has anybody had or experienced similar riding/tuning characterizations with the two motors?  Does the piston port motor inherently have more top end potential? 
