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Messages - sav0r

I have a customer that was interested in the GT750 high flow water pump kit we built for our race car. Now I didn't want to do the full size stuff that we run on the car for his motorcycle, but I made him up the large BDK style kit we initially made. I revised the pump cover some since it never looked all that great for the racecar (function over form on that project). I spent a fair amount of time on it, figured I could take some decent photos of a few of the parts.

Turning Wrenches / Re: RD250 with 350 top end jetting
February 03, 2025, 07:47:42 AM
Just go rich and see. It can't hurt.
Imagine what 20 years of full blown 2t development would look like. They'd probably work so well we'd complain that they aren't trying to kill us anymore.
I have a Boremaster and agreed it's a great machine. That's a good price too.
General Chatter / Re: Frame shipping tips needed
January 22, 2025, 04:14:03 PM
I purchase shipping two ways, but the most accessible option is

Make an account and check rates. Their rates blow me away sometimes.
Hey guys, I have gotten a lot of interest from around here. As spring time approaches I'd like to keep that going.

Just send me a PM to get an order placed. Any 2t world member will get a 15% discount.
General Chatter / Re: Frame shipping tips needed
January 19, 2025, 12:04:42 PM
I just shipped a transaxle for $100 via UPS. As long as it doesn't qualify as freight (105" and/or 150lbs) and can fit in a card board box you can ship it fairly reasonably. The transaxle was insured for $3500 too. I shipped that in a hard case but it will all come back once rebuilt.
Race Discussions / Re: 2025 Supercross Schedule
January 18, 2025, 03:46:57 PM
I've totally missed the news on all this. I don't follow MX like I use to. Who's design is the Ducati?
Hylomar is great stuff, but I try not to use it around solvents. It works great with oil. On quick change transaxles it's all we use for the rear two sections. We don't even reapply on assembly unless it's been totally wiped off. Anyways, pretty sure solvents remove it.

I just use 2t oil on gaskets. Of course everybody has their own method and that's likely because good mating surfaces will seal no matter what you put on there.
My Vito's crank is fine, or at least it's made it like 7 years without unplanned disassembly. Not sure I'd want one in my race bike...
I sent you a PM earlier today, Dave.
Haus of Projects / Re: First? but last Rd build?
January 07, 2025, 12:31:58 PM
There use to be a guy on eBay that did custom mail order lines. It was great. I had a ton made by him. Measure them up, send out measurements, a few days later the line showed up.
Turning Wrenches / Re: battery voltage drop?
January 07, 2025, 08:12:43 AM
Just put an alarm battery as Mark suggests in it. At least until you have everything sorted, and even then it's a good reliable and affordable way to go.
Turning Wrenches / Re: battery voltage drop?
January 06, 2025, 10:37:15 AM
If the ignition is on the voltage drop is from exciting the coils. They don't like to function under like 10.5v which explains the jumper pack. Probably a bad battery.
Looks great! You lucked out on the wiring harness. What a pain in the ass that is.