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Messages - paul1478

Events / Re: 99 Days Until Deals Gap 2025
January 26, 2025, 08:42:54 AM
Chuck called me yesterday about the gap while he was waiting for the opening of the list. It was a great surprise. Looking forward to it.
I have seen many of this guys videos. Not a fan. He does have a few nice bikes from him but I get a HUGE used car sales man vibe from him.
WAY back when (around 1979) I was at a car show and someone had an R5 motor in a go-cart. I thought that was super cool.
This just seem dangerous.
Show Off / Re: 2 STROKE RIDE TO SANTA CRUZ 8/31/24
September 05, 2024, 03:24:04 PM
I have ridden 1 from Pacifica (south of San Francisco) to Santa Cruz countless times on my RD350. Great road.
I also did Big Sur to Coos Bay OR and back on 1 on my Gold Wing pulling a camper with the wife. Camped in the redwood forest in the OLD parks. Best 12 days I spent ever.
Good memories.
Check 59 min in.
another good interview by Mark.
General Chatter / Re: Amazing paper model.
June 18, 2024, 02:39:47 PM
WOW, just wow.
General Chatter / Re: Happy 52nd Birthday M in SC
April 17, 2024, 09:56:01 AM
Happy birthday Mark and thank you for what you do on this form for all of us and you advise as well...
Turning Wrenches / Re: Stuck ring?
April 11, 2024, 07:17:36 AM
It was the original ones Chuck but on when he built it.
I changed them again when we went through it last week. I will change them every 2 years now and inspect them when cleaning the bike.
I always try and learn from my mistakes.
Turning Wrenches / Re: Stuck ring?
April 10, 2024, 03:02:29 PM
Quote from: m in sc on April 08, 2024, 10:13:58 AMso.. was it too lean, heated up and stuck the ring? what was the cause?

Hi Mark,
that is my assumption. I had 2 ripped intake manifolds I did not notice. It had to have been running very lean.
The bottom two rings were stuck so tight I never was able to get the loose. I tried with some picks Chuck had. I have been trying to be nice to it while it breaks in but it is much better that it was. New porting seems to make a difference also.
Turning Wrenches / Re: Stuck ring?
April 08, 2024, 07:47:37 AM
my motor has been re- super tuned. I spent Friday and Saturday with Chuck.
It is back to what it was plus some more. New port map, new pistons, and some jetting. Plus fixed a bunch of little items I overlooked in the past.

Ordered tires, shocks and some small items to get ready for the gap this year.
Great to have the motor back running great again.

Thanks as always to Chuck. Great mechanic and great friend.
Turning Wrenches / Re: Stuck ring?
March 28, 2024, 12:40:08 PM
you mentioned it being down on power? If you weren't able to get into upper rev range to clean it out there could be residual 2 stroke oil residue left on crank- maybe that is what you are seeing after it sat for a while? Didn't mention if you are premixing or not and what 2T oil running, but if lower end was really heating up it could certainly discolor your oil residue like that.
The bike would rev clean all the way to 9000. New it was 64hp on the dyno. Felt more like 50. Ran ok. Just not what it was. Plugs perfect color.
Chuck moved the timing jets changed pipes. I thought maybe it's me. 5 seconds on Chuck's bike nope. Bike is down on power. It was originally very close to his in power.
Yes premix only. This ring seems to make sense causing some blow by.
I'll find out next weekend.
Turning Wrenches / Re: Stuck ring?
March 28, 2024, 11:23:29 AM
Quote from: m in sc on March 28, 2024, 10:52:52 AMi mean.. it could be trans oil but? doubt it in both.

no, the ring should be able to move . say hi to chuck.  :toot:
Thanks Marc I hope it is a stuck ring because that would answer a lot of questions. Also good to know it's probably not trans fluid thanks as always for your words of wisdom and I will absolutely say hello to Chuck and see you next month.
Turning Wrenches / Stuck ring?
March 28, 2024, 10:45:51 AM
76 RD400. Stage 2 Chuck build. Forged Wiseco pistons. 
My bike had been down on power for a while.
I have an appt with DR Quinzler on the 6th to swap pistons in hopes of fixing the issue.
I noticed when I took the top end off only the upper ring was free. I see a bottom one but it is stuck tight to the piston. Bolts sides. This cannot be right can it?
I also noticed what looks to be oil on the crank does not look like 2 stroke oil.
It has been sitting for months.
That really is a really nice looking R5.