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Messages - smokah

Haus of Projects / Re: '74 RD cafe makeover
July 17, 2021, 09:31:26 PM
After those conversations with Dave F., I wanted to learn more. I modded the reed cages according to Ed E. website. Added the tall K&N... and more jetting and theory conversations with Dave  :dawg:
Haus of Projects / '74 RD cafe makeover
July 17, 2021, 08:18:42 PM
I have a 1974 RD350 that, besides the bars, was bone stock when I got it 10 years ago. It had 4200 miles on it when I got it. I hated the stock pipes so the first thing I did was get a set of DG pipes and start down the modification rabbit hole. After many late night phone conversations with the late, great Dave Freist, I was hooked on these wonderful machines and looked forward to tinkering on mine some more.
Haus of Projects / Re: Cafe Racer
July 17, 2021, 05:14:12 PM
So nice. Must be a blast to ride.
@RZwade he's in a size 3. And yes... he built a freight elevator to bring some of the bikes upstairs. He really is clever and loves to figure stuff out.
Micro Muscle: Under 100cc's / Re: Motorized Bicycle
July 14, 2021, 11:59:23 AM
He's still boxing the rear. Custom sprocket will be welded to the rear rim.
Micro Muscle: Under 100cc's / Re: Motorized Bicycle
July 14, 2021, 11:57:42 AM
My mad scientist friend is going a bit further with his version of this. 125cc pit bike engine mounted to a stretched bmx bike frame.
Not my garage. A very close mad scientist friend of mine has an affinity for nice things. Then he cuts them up and makes them his own.
Pay no attention to the RD in the garage, or the other 7 bikes either  :dawg:
All repairs and upgrades done. Bike is still on it's original bore. Original brakes were almost new. Had the original chain and sprockets. Those were replaced. That 12'" rear tire was a real PITA to change, but it's done and should last my boy until he's outgrown the bike. Need some boots and he's off to the races... so to speak.
The second one is the one I used, and except for the Vito's crank rubber o-rings, all the pics were great help.
When I broke mine down to the bare cases there was a tutorial on another RD site that I used. I wish I saved the link. There were tons of helpful pictures. I used my tablet and followed along. All went well.
Update....Carb rebuilt. Petcock replaced. Oil tank drained and fresh injection oil added. Repacked silencer. Plug, air filter and engine oil replaced. Fresh gas, no prime, no choke, one kick. Fired right up, ran well, shifted properly and stopped. Bought for $300. With what's been done, and the tires and tubes, new rear shock, fork oil, and fork seals the total isn't even $500 :righteous:
There are a few seals that are directional. Make sure you know which way they all face because on at least one, it makes a difference.
Off the road 6 or 7 years.
Just scored a complete, last ran when parked, same family owned since new, PW80 for my 8 year old. Need to replace all rubber hoses, tubes and tires, rebuild carb and petcock, new chain and sprockets and we should be good. Excited for my little dude.