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On the apocalypse

Started by IR8D8R, March 20, 2020, 11:42:33 PM

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Old Brit

I so hope I'm wrong but there's one hell of a lot of folks who could come to seriously regret not following the social distancing guidelines. A friend down in Florida said Spring Break isn't looking any different this year to any other which is a very real example of the current "I don't GaF" attitude. This sort of attitude may well not kill any of these "young invincible" but is darn well going to kill lots of their/other folks parents & Grandparents. Like in other countries it'll probably take the Government's intervention to get a grip of the selfishness of those currently carrying on as normal but f*ck is it ever time to WISE UP people !!!


There has been at least 230 cases diagnosed within 30 miles of my house. I'm loaded down with food and supplies. Just going to hang out here and not go to any stores. I'll find things to do on my property. Still can go for a ride in the car, or on the bike. Plan on doing some rural bicycling when it warms some. It's so weird that the earth can turn upside down so quickly.
'76 RD400 green  '76 RD400 red   '84 RZ350


It's surely a reminder of the house of cards society really is.
"Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson

m in sc

me and the girl are hanging low as we can. however, she manages an Outback steakhouse, they have moved to take out and delivery, and she just works indoors no dealing with the public. She has lupus, so her immune system is jacked as it is just on regular days, but shes good about keeping clear of people when she needs to, and is very cautious, but her business is doing well.

as far as what i do for work, also no general public interaction at all. so far, we have been doing well (industrial valving and automation). Seems like there are quite a few places that have moved maintenance and shut down to this time frame, and work is continuing. Luckily, we are able to stay afloat, if it comes to that, for 3 mos with zero income at my place of business. So far, we're lucky.

My dad, whos 80 and in superb health, keeps to himself anyway, and is just doing yard work and is stocked up on supplies for mos, as he always is. He lives in the country about 20 mins away with no close neighbors. so, he's good so far. But, i have some concerns for both.

Yesterday, angie was off so we hit the grocery store early, grabbed a few things, then went for a ride on the CB. roads are empty and weather was great, was a beautiful day.  wen back to her house to have a few drinks and then got some steaks from her work later.

Im sure things will eventually get back to normal, just proceed with caution. example: what i've been doing when getting fuel is using a paper towel to handle the gas pump and a pen to hit the keys . just assume everything has poo on it, and you'll be safer.

shes drinking some orange vodka concoction (its actually really good) and i had whiskey in the glass on the tailbag of the cb. this is at her house, my falcon resides there for the past 2 yrs. Keeps her buick company  :patriot:

this will eventually be my shop, assuming we all survive, we are planning to get married in Nov 2021.  :cheerleader:


Social distancing is the key. Self isolation is the first line of defence. Wishing everyone good health and longtime sunshine.
Mark, Good to know, Congratulations for getting hitched.


I took a ride yesterday. You would have never known anything unusual was happening. A lot of traffic in town and on PCH and the beaches were crowded.

Unfortunately, this virus will take out the weak and not the stupid in our society. If it was latter it would solve many problems.
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Lot's of good advice here.

The one thing I'd say is to listen to a reputable sources on reporting. There's is a never ending stream of mis-information out there.

Here is a great core source for recorded infections and mortality rate:

The U.S. is currently at around 1.27% mortality rate and that has been falling daily. Of course cases are exploding right now, so only time will tell where the rate lands. Washington's mortality rate is around 5% right now, and is indeed one of the highest on the world scale. New York however, while having the most number of cases of any state, is only around .6% mortality rate. Keep in mind the U.S. purposefully only tested those with significant symptoms of Covid 19, but has now expanded that in recent days. This method of testing actually skews results towards higher mortality figures. Also consider that there is a huge population of people that will never get tested simply because they have no symptoms or no means to receive testing, so again the results are to be understood as "recorded" results and not definitive. In Pittsburgh here, they have opened drive through type testing centers. If you show symptoms, try to find a drive through testing center. This avoids clogging up hospitals and maintains social distancing.

Stay safe out there, take care of yourself, and try not to hoard goods at it disproportionately effects those on fixed incomes and those with lower overall incomes. - for my projects and musings.



and start rewatching MAD MAX for a view ahead.



I'm still going to work. I work at a huge healthcare software company. We employ around 10,000 people and have typically seen around 1,000 people in our 7 million sq ft facility. I see about ten people a day usually. I'm not the one to get too riled up about this stuff but am starting to wonder how important going to work is these days...


The only people with blood on their hands is China. They knew about it and did nothing to inform the rest of the world about it. They let the people leave the country and spread it all around the world , that is how we got our first case here in Wisconsin , students coming back to school after Chinese new year. No doubt that's how Italy was infected. If someone could please tell me what the Democrats plan is other than to obstruct and criticize I would appreciate it. They have done nothing in over 3 years to help the American people other than to offer free everything to illegal immigrants and people who don't want to work. It is time for them to stop supporting foreign countries like Iran and China and start working for Americans in this country. More people were infected and died from swine flu under Obama and not one word from the media or the democrats. This a new virus and our current testing equipment is inadequate against it , you cant blame anyone for this. You cant make millions of masks and ventilators in a couple weeks people. Watch the press conferences and decide for yourself if what is being done is good or bad. The president closed off travel and the democrats call him racist , he asks for funding and its not enough , he wants money to help citizens and the democrats want it for all kinds of things not related to the virus. Stop getting your news from Hollywood and cnn.

^ this shit gets you banned. this one is for 45 14 days. Its not like i didn't EXPLICITLY state NO POLITICS and to keep it civil .  :whatever:

before anybody accuses me of being some left wing nut job, I read my news from AP and other sources, some left, some right, most middle ground.  I wont take this from either side. and, especially opinion based non facts as demonstrated above.

FWIW,  a very right orientated moderator made me aware of this post. Keep this opinion-based-blame game shit on FB, not here.  AND THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY.

to be fair, i will strike out the text you should avoid to make anybody get into a  pissing match on here. You should all know better. Id recommend editing your posts.
the next offense for anybody is a 45 day ban. no exceptions i don't care who you are. Washerman got the ban because the FIRST POST OUT OF THE HOLE WAS THIS.   Not cool. 


Luckily I retired the end of February and missed being exposed to the corona virus in my office, all of my former employees are teleworking and self quarantining for the next few weeks.  This wasn't exactly how I planned to spend my time retired but I am happy I am not riding a commuter bus and working in a building with 6000 people.  My wife and I fit into the higher risk group so we are laying low and trying to minimize our contact with others.  Plenyy of food and TP so we are set for the next month or so. Stay safe everyone..


I'm so glad the wife got us a bidet seat for Christmas.

... and, we're saving tons of money cooking and eating at home every meal. 🤙

#winning #silverlining 🤣
Wasting time on 2T forums since the dawn of the internet. '89 TDR250, '13 300xcw, '19 690smcr, '56 Porsche 356A


hope all of you chaps in the US stay safe - this thing is going to get much worse before it gets better


Quote from: pdxjim on March 22, 2020, 02:03:28 PM
I'm so glad the wife got us a bidet seat for Christmas.

... and, we're saving tons of money cooking and eating at home every meal. 🤙

#winning #silverlining 🤣

Once you get a bidet attachment you will never go back lol.   

Here in MI seems like a lot of folks aren't taking it too seriously which is dangerous.  Driving by the hospital about a week ago there was a large line for testing, but i don't know if they even have tests any more.  If everyone could just stay at home for a few weeks we could burn it out, but that's just not happening.  There is some evidence that after getting it you have a some sort of immunity to it, for a short time at least.  I just hope there are a lot of smart people being given resources to develop a vaccine.  Seems like we have a rough road ahead of us for the next few months if that curve of cases keeps exponentially growing.     


"When you're Dead, you don't know that you're Dead. It's only difficult for Others.
It's the same when you're Stupid"