
135-140 HP CASE REED H2

Built by Henry Wedge. 1st hand experience, it is indeed insane to ride.  :devil:

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Messages - RdsOnly

September 25, 2022, 12:55:22 AM
Take lots of pics

Turning Wrenches / Re: Carb fuel inlet repair
September 25, 2022, 12:53:44 AM
Look up Grainger/ McMaster carr for Brass fuel inlets.
  Machinist can make them as well..

Flared copper
Race Discussions / Re: 2022 MotoGP
September 25, 2022, 12:51:00 AM
WTF Call Cruchlow doing well Yamaha....

General Chatter / How to sell a lot of RD stuff?
September 25, 2022, 12:17:59 AM
RdsOnly has been closed for 4 years.....

   I still have a lot of RD stuff. Have had guys come and offer $20K less than it's worth. For the whole shop.
I have RD stuff and need to empty my shop. Ds7/R5/RD stuff a little RZ stuff.
If you want all or a large part of my inventory please visit.
   I will cater to those that visit, great BBQ, shooting at my range, ride some 2 stokes.

  I am not a well man- back and other issues have made me stop doing what I loved. Making RDs go again.

   I teach those that have the back for it, from engine rebuilds to tune ups.

I love Yamaha RDs and all street 2 stokes. Kawis/susuki/honda...etc.

  Have many files of information on models and manuals.
I prefer tuning a motor I know/ rebuilt to optimum performance. But will tweak any 2 stroke after inspection.
    I like money- I am for hire but not hard core manual labor. Love teaching owner so they don't need me.

       Need 3 motors- none rebuild call me, you want them rebuilt  work with me I will teach you.

Need to move a lot of stuff....


I have been away for a while I know... 
  Pain drives me know...
General Chatter / Re: Lead in fuel once- why?
December 14, 2021, 09:28:47 PM
Love the response...

Was sponsored by VP in racing days [a blended fuel]
Sonoco fuel [not blended] different jetting??? WHy

Specific gravity was different??? So
Fuel is a key component to making power- am I wrong?
      Old stuff []

This paper DOES not recommend AVEgas
Aviation gasoline – We no longer recommend using AVGAS in paramotors.  The problem of using AVGAS in paramotors is that the lead deposits can foul the lands on the piston resulting in ring sticking.  This is less of a problem when operating at high altitudes (>4,000' MSL) but can be severe at sea level and in hotter climates. The addition of fuel additives e.g. TCP can lessen the problem but does not eliminate it.  We have discovered this from thorough testing at various altitudes and climates.

The bottom line is that those who use ethanol fuels must also use fuel additives that help preserve the gasoline and lessen the damage caused by moisture in the fuel.  If you must use ethanol fuels, be sure to add the correct additives to help lessen that damage

Good and Bad you decide- I like longer lasting fuel

Sugar in gas is bad that is all - ethanol -sugar.


Environmental politics will harsh your 2T buzz.. Old school is where it's at.

General Chatter / Re: Lead in fuel once- why?
December 14, 2021, 08:35:47 PM
Great points, do we really need lead? No
You have to agree today's fuels cause more problem than solve when storing a 2 stroke bike.

I use this as a reference for 3-6 month stored= fuel is still good to run out in an air cooled 2 stroke.

If you prefer $15-19 a gallon fuels I like that.
This is a cheaper solution to stored fuels and works well.
In my experience, also runs cooler in the summer time- air cooled is cooled by fuel over air flow.

I prefer setting up a bike  for storage as:
Drain all fuel
Clean carbs
remove battery- charge table
check tire pressure every so often.
Set up
clean out tank- fresh fuel- witch ever you chose
check carbs
battery in- check timing
FIRE that mother up...
Time eats all thing- fuel/rubber all consumables
            Not saying it is better but a good start for long term storage of fuel.
I have good results from drag bikes on 100ll as well as road course bikes.. mind you a budget is why we did what we did.
If I had ELF giving me fuel sure might make a little difference.

Fuel is the issue not performance here
   longer lasting is 100ll - - - look it up
Today's fuel have a shelf live of 4-5 month that's it [separation of none petroleum based additives] SUGAR
   If you are in the Petroleum industry and can give me other information, please provide.
I have seen it on my shelf- where I store fuels, I put a small jelly jar of that fuel fresh, with date.
  We have all sen it / weird stuff in the float bowls
Hell I have seen so much muck that did no look like fuel/gas I thought it was bio-fuel residue.

    Today's fuel is no comparison to 1970-78 fuel at the pump, considered as HIGH PO fuels now.
  as air cooled 2t guys be aware- our environment has change but not the bike you love.
We ride then not everyday [mostly] so add a little love back to them. If you can afford 98oct $16 a gallon do so your bike will love you and you it.

Fuel cools our air cooled bikes not air..

PS wont tell you a famous person that used 100ll ave gas to win a race....

General Chatter / Lead in fuel once- why?
December 14, 2021, 03:49:14 PM
Why was lead used in regal fuels in the 20-70's?
tetraethyl lead
1970: Congress passes the Clean Air Act. The EPA is formed and given the authority to regulate compounds that endanger human health.

1973: EPA mandates a phased-in reduction of lead content in all grades of gasoline.

1974: EPA requires availability of at least one grade of unleaded gasoline, in order to be compatible with 1975 make and model year vehicles. Lead damages the catalytic converters used in these new vehicles to control tailpipe emissions. Catalytic converters are still used in vehicles today.

1996: EPA bans the use of leaded fuel for on-road vehicles (leaded gasoline was down to 0.6 percent of 1996 gasoline sales). Lead is still used in some aviation fuels.

Thanks to coordinated efforts, lead is now absent from gasoline in most of the world. Following the lead phase-out in the United States, the oil refining industry chose to construct additional refining capacity to produce octane from other petroleum products, rather than from renewable sources such as ethanol.

When were all R series Yamaha made? 1970-1979  The only RD that was made to run on NONE leaded fuel was the RD400F.
Stock timing was 2.2mmBTDC, pipe restrictions , butterfly carburetors
What a DOG stock...
    Lead was the fuel of the day in the early to mid 1970's why was lead used [Anti knock] Octain booster.
Also COOLED pistons, coated them with their deposits, not a clean fuel- bad for the environment.

So do we need lead in our old bikes? Not really but it does have a place. 100ll airplane fuel has many good and bad thing in it. it can be used to keep modern fuels stable. BAD  anti-freezing additives, anti-foaming additives.

  Good over bad?
If you store fuel say 92 oct unleaded on the shelf- how long is it good for?
If you have 100ll on the shelf how long is that good for?
You go look it up....
100ll keeps longer, no ethanol to break down, also wont eat Buna- rubber parts.
Ethanol is derived from mostly CORN sugar= alcohol, the process is a quick one no real distilling [properly] for fuel. So we see after 1 year of a bike sitting with fuel in it. Sludge in carb, petcock and tank. Cleaning is needed.
Some stabilizers will keep the breakdown at bay.

Performance Lead vs no lead
Lead as stated is an anti-knock agent octane so we run ethanol high octane 98 - no issue except cost.
the manuals reference to fuel unleaded or low lead was available at pump 96oct leaded

Kevin looked into this

triptane, toluene, and MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether)
The lead in fuel suppresses detonation by acting as a negative rate catalyst for OH-, slowing its rate of

Do we need it? lead?????
Kleem research

No we do not need lead- have your head modified for $$$
  Or blend your fuel- I do and have for 4 years, cheap insurance I can run 2.0mmbtdc on a stock RD350 at WFO all day no worries.
  I run a 11:1 RZ500 on 100ll  no issues.

I am no expert but have tried and found it works well, for bikes that sit for 3-6 months no issues starting up.
search 100ll your area.

Sonoco has a good fuel as well
$15- $20 a gallon

Around $5-6 a gallon

I am cheap so I blend.

General Chatter / Lonely 2 storker
December 14, 2021, 01:47:23 PM
I find myself Rambling on about 2 strokes, to the poor forks that are on the other end of the phone.
Tried this, done that etc... We all have stories.
Business life as well- what I was!!!

Well I suggest a phone list for lonely 2 stroker's that want to talk about their experiences.
Brupt over the high end etc..

I am getting older and don't ride that much and wrench less now a days. But love sharing information and experiences.
I was never a  podium placer 5th-7th was where I was in RD racing [60+ riders]- money was the obstetrical.

Enjoyed tuning and seeing people do better than before my tune, that gave me much satisfaction.
I got to know some relay great people in 2 stroke tuning and of course have stories. As I am sure you all do [over the age of 40].
   Why do we like 2 strokes? power to weight= fun times, lifting the front wheel at will and sometime not at will....

My back is my weak link and stamina, can't do what I used to..  Motivation is also a thing, no interest due to No one is interested!!!

That's why I shut my shop up [RDsOnly], lot's of people want me to make it go, but don't have time to see how it is done.

  I must admit I self medicate with beer... That's right I get drunk to ease the pain- I am sure none of you do the same. I like beer cause you have to pee-3- 5 pisses and go to bed- your done. 
Sure I used to use Doctor prescribed meds hated how they made me feel.
   We all die some time, why not enjoy the ride to the end- a wheelie at the end?

Enough philosophy live life well and enjoy as best you can. I have done the best with the circumstances I was handed.
I have been a recluse for the past 4 years  not do to some plandemic just separated myself for evaluation.
I really do enjoy teaching people what I have found that works concerning 2 strokes.

Ok  enough for now.
If you want to talk 2 strokes I would love to hear from you- talk that is.

email for p#
General Chatter / Re: RDsOnly Why I did It
October 20, 2021, 10:10:03 AM
My passion is free energy I have a new friend in 1 mw nuclear self sustained energy. How Sustained is the key, as needed- demand increase not quite[sustainably] there.
Many different Tesla units I have made a few are impressive but cost .out radius. 

Shits coming no grid... I am 1st in TX to get a NU unit for my block 10KM install 2m insurance... 2 mill is cheap-have no clue what this is.. Me on property 0 monthly$ 16 other unit setts I control [25 limit]. Liability on me.. Selling house 2022 so not sure if it will go- guy helping me is all in probably buy house- property.

SO Yey kid will not understand the simplicity of 2 strokes, there is a beauty of 2 stroke balance. I love finding in RD's., All power needs to be tuned to optimize it's output , was a LASER optimization specialist. Also an X-Ray efficiency guy.
Alpha-Omega [relay Beta]. Frequencies 2t chamber or stock frequencies I can tune
  Upper shit I used to do is all the same Max output, goal we seek.

Probably to much info to answer your q... Love science 2 stroke stepping stone for me...

  not that I have master it just under stand it.Love it..
To Pump 2t or Not to pump [Premix]
What is you R series pump?
#1 Did you know the 1st Yamaha 2stroke race bikes[YD1]USA race Catolina had a pump on them?
   They took them off- and pre mixed, later proven on the 80cc Japanese bike.

A pump is a mechanical precision made instrument- tuning fork please Yamaha logo. yes they are kind of complicated but m=not realy when you understand what they do.
Yamaha was 1st, Kawasaki, Bridgestone, the others.
  Why did Manufacturers install a complicated device to meter oil for a 2 stroke?
Due to years of testing, they found a need for a graduated mechanical pump to optimize use and operation of 2 strokes. in the 1960 you can find vehicles in the 150cc range going 60,000 mile before rebuild. Dependable??? YES

So you question your 1970's oil pump- not dependable  What happened?
  If you recall in 1980- late fuel change no longer you could get 98 oct-100 oct supreme. Now 95 oct was supreme, mid grade= 90 oct, low was around 87oct.
  1970's 2 and 4 stroke were designed to run on that years fuel.

So you fill your R5 with supreme 1980  that is now  90oct/86me you over oil and must adjust your pump. I worked at motorcycle shops at that time.

Most guys did nothing might have re jetted and eat their top end [less lead in fuel].
Good for us we did a lot of top ends, shyster said it's your pump- get rid of it..

Not true but thousand shucked their pumps and premixed 22:1 castor based oil, lost of fouled plug. 
2 strokes are finicky I want a 4 stroke- 2t bikes were cheap late 80's

So your non mechanical OLD man told you premix F*** the pump.. You as all good kids believe what is herd.
Young 1972 you are 14 yrd you have seen a lot of Hondas some Hodakas, not many Kawasaki's and Yamaha's But when you saw a Kawy go zipping by OMFG.
I want one, then a Yamaha R5 zipps by the boggy of the start kawy....

OK well I like mechanical stuff... a Bilge pump is real similar to an oil pump in a car.
  So I am a young teen peddling around watching fast bike ziping around me as well as the Honda 80/90/120 scooters.

Back to Oil pumps... OMFG
To pump or not to pump today in 2000 era Yes pump we are lazy for GOD sake. FUel sucks even worse now.
OK- pump design
idle- 100:1- max 18:1
WFO [Wide Fucken Open] 18:1 some 20:1 kawi
SO you premix 32:1 where is that mix optimum-1/2 throttle top gear 4krpm-5krpm....
Do not do long pulls in 5th or 6th gear WFO
   I have seen all kinds of seiziers on piston is this and air leak of timing- Pliiiiissss
4 corner is lack of oil..
Under piston will show to advanced timing or to lean- long pulls.
Timing is piston crown dents, to ring land melted... Plug will show SPECKLES piston on plug ground.EGT= 13000+ if you have one. Timing and air leak- air leak is though out throttle  of line to WFO.

This is way to long I have to stop here- cliff hanger,,,,,

more ask questions. maybe I will answer I hope I will.

General Chatter / Forum bain trust- get together
October 20, 2021, 06:59:58 AM
 :olaf:#1 who has a t shirt that has been around the wold [created by this forum]?

  I have been a part of this forum for a few years.
  I have meet a few of the top contributors over the years.
Some I want to meet as  I think we all do..
Would it be a bad thing to see if we can all meet at one place?
Kind of like a blind date we know to much about each other..!!!!
  Being a old fart that has been away from this forum for a while, what do the new bee's think about this Proposition.
I think a large portion of the forum is in CA, other are about the US- like me.
Do you think Las Vegas would be a good spot? Me in Texas- you in ??? Vegas is a good [don't tell the wife]
  Conference of Trailing edge Technical and administrative advancement &  coordination to change the world.  Or TAACW or something like that..

  OK yes Mark will have to do some work [hi mark] to get group rates and a group area.. But on the cheap we can meet at ????? no conference room needed. We should just crash a wedding -?- I am that bad..
  I am thinking of 20 guys, at best 30 guys. OK  we have over a thousand- but not all in the us,,,

I have got to meet many infomus [bad boys we are] in the 2 stoker/bean oil burning community.
  1st run have fun- 2nd run invite racers/tuners/ manufactures [not Honda]..
1st run- If we make a presence on the infonet[ oil burning SOBS] maybe people will take note of the trailing edge SOB we are.
Repeat for more fun [sponsored]- OK
1st run- some one has to strike it rich gambling and fund all of us...
Need more help on acromins..
pn- I am a lost 2 stroke sole looking for caster scented like minded persons.
General Chatter / Re: Pass the Torch…
October 20, 2021, 06:05:54 AM

I love seeing young ens interested in 2T I have looked for those that want to learn more.
Keep her sniffing 2t oil and maybe the wold will be a better place- someday.

General Chatter / RDsOnly Why I did It
October 20, 2021, 06:00:50 AM

#1 I am selling all my stuff- se other post... Made me think how it started...

Why did I do RD's Only- I retired,  had Shit loads of money and followed my dreams
  Made money for 5 years,RDs Only  Then was a charity builder, just to see it go.
Moved to TX made enough to keep business open for 3 years. Changed to teaching owners.  charity site most don't/ know about..
  Lost money, Why the Fuck am I doing this... Concentrated on investing -Did well keep open the shop.
  People are stupid I gave away knowledge for free, most had no clue what I did.
     Reinvented race tuning- had 5 guys- 2 payed... FUCK  IT stooped, hurt my back other family things interfered. Just stopped...
  To date got rid of 8 year in shop parts- customer RZ350 tune up/restoration [due I charge him?] I am glad it is out of my shop...
1 left RD400d to busy to care RD owner....

     I can teach,I know what to do- stock To 60hpRD. Been there done that. I do not feel I am a value any more.

I talk to a lot of old 2T folks that are done as well where are the kids that want to learn????
  I am not the Top of the Heep but I talk to them- they are like me Hurt/ ailing trying to keep on. I am at the Fuck it point, I am retired my back is now fine, I tune for $$$ mostly race bikes. I do not want my name out there but we are doing well.

What I have Done and what I can do - is mute I am done...

No one gives a shit so I don't as well

    I love 2T till I die a bean oil sparking SOB that rides it like is is stolen is my guy..  Good customer tried to blow my rebuild motors, I loved them for that only one fraged [he was cheap did not do crank]- Funny I would not rebuild his motor and did not charge him [$800] but I did take the pistons,pins hell I bought them.

Making a customer grin ear to ear was fun- the other ass hole made me quit...

  Got the T shirt wore it out.. nuf said


  You won't know what I know- nener-nerer-nener... Love to give it away if you know something of 2T.. Smart don't make them go fast on track.

I live in central Texas- close to COTA
my Cell # 512-718-9570
  Call if you have Money $5k +
Peace parts guys don't call- 1 part will cost you $2k large box shows up surprise....

Come visit- will put you up depending on your schedule.
Whole shop for sale- all Motorcycle related

  Please call if interested in maintenance shop- Business, sales.

I am here to make the 2 stokes live my purpose was to make them run WELL as a good tune.
I still Tune 2 stroke mostly race bike td/tz at this time..

Love 2t folks
  If you call me and have a question [money talks] But I am a chatty Cathy at times....

Selling- have to move have 3 offers [not good] sell all- covenant  for me but I am in no hurry.
  Rather not sell to Vultures, sell to Optimist.
Due you think a 1979 Oil Tank today will be worth less in 4 years????
Might have one of those/side cover Daytona- Most R5 parts I have - lots.
Ok just call me

I die today....
Kids WTF
1- Class8 RV Kenworth =$90k- How to sell this????
1 Yamaha 1985 RZ500= $15k
1 1975 Yamaha RD350=$6000+ [8K] rdS ONLY
1 -Yamaha 1974  rd 350- market [$3K-4K]

    other STUFF kids have no clue of.... $50k
    When I die I hope you vultures come and get my shit cheap-

Dead and gone
love you al that find deal in what I had.
I always want to make the old girls run again..
I was about making them run RIGHT- optimizing a 2 stroke Organize. Hope to make 2 strokes rule the world- can We?

  I am still kicking so far- my kids will do the estate sale thing.

- Your Fucked 20% estate tax-so they ay..

Come see what I have- cash in hand, I assure you you will leave wishing you had more
   This is not my retirement fund  is is my passion.I have racks of parts I will never use- I hate to  to see dusty- when you need that part.

I teach now now to rebuild- etc any part or thing on R5-TZ I know how to make it work.